Cock Tease Ruins Orgasms


As a cock tease, I always know when I have them totally in my control. I can see the look on their faces as they go from not realizing what I’m doing to being completely enthralled by my little game. I walk up slowly to him, smile and run my hand up his thigh, almost to his cock.

He certainly has no idea who I am or why my hand is this close to his cock, but he likes it a lot. He’s probably thinking that it’s his lucky day! But it really isn’t. Since I’m what some people call a cock tease. I freely admit this about myself. I started teasing strangers because my best friend in college was a stripper and she wanted me to strip.

She said it was great money and was also really fun and exciting. I considered it for a while and even let her teach me a few things about the art of the strip tease, but, in the end, I decided that dancing around a pole night after night wasn’t for me. But I never let go of the teasing part. I found that I liked the attention and the feeling of power teasing gave me. Also, it was a huge turn on for me.

A Little Bright Spot In Their Day


Generally, I find myself working an angle for a tease the same way a con artist sets up a con. Firstly, I find a guy who is alone, usually in a public place. I don’t like teasing guys around their girlfriends for the obvious reasons. Specifically, they get jealous and freaked out and start screaming, which ruins everyone’s day.

Furthermore, I always try to get a guy that looks lonely. I try to find ones that I think would appreciate a little bright spot in their day. The one rule I have is to never take it too far. I never tease a guy to the edge of an orgasm. I did this once and learned that this is not something I want to do with a stranger.

The guy I chose decided that since I had started teasing him, I was damn well going to finish it. Not a good thing to do to me. I finished him all right and he won’t ever forget it.


Getting Him Alone Out Of the Office


It started at a company retreat I was on. I work for a big Fortune 500 company that has many arms and thousands of employees worldwide. Most of the American employees were taken to this beautiful resort on the West Coast. It was summer and I had come to let my hair down and party.

As usual, I was scoping out the available guys for possible teasing sessions. Then I saw this really cute guy who was obviously watching me move around the room. Target acquired. I was glad that I had worn a revealing outfit. Tonight I had chosen a short, red sun dress with black pumps and black panties.

What’s more, I didn’t wear a bra. My black hair fell down my back in its sexy way as I moved over to him. He was standing alone against the unused fireplace. We started talking and I casually moved to where I stood in front of him, blocking the view of anyone near us. At this point, I pushed the spaghetti strap of my dress down and uncovered most of my left breast. His eyes widened and he gulped his drink. I smiled and chatted with him as if I didn’t realize I was exposed to him.

He Loved It

“You’re beautiful,” he breathed. It was so sweet that I decided I wanted to tease him more, in a private place. I pulled my strap back up on my shoulder and took him by the hand. I found an empty room and sat him down on the bed and started doing my best stripper dance moves.  He loved it, I could tell.

His cock was hard, giving him a trouser tent. I then decided that I had gone far enough and decided to stop.  Accordingly, I thanked him and turned to leave. But he grabbed my hand. I had misjudged how drunk he was. Rather than making a scene and ruining the party, I would teach this guy a lesson. Looking around, I saw a pitcher of water and a bucket of ice on the dresser. I told him to unzip his pants and stroke for me.

As he was stroking wildly and just about to cum, I reached around to grab the pitcher of water. I doused him with it right as he was about to cum. I told him to fuck off and stalked out of the room. Telling everyone I saw that, when he was drunk, he was all hands.